From a Defoliated Monograph
Ehrlich Steinberg presents the solo exhibition From a Defoliated Monograph by LA-based American artist Jeffrey Stuker. The exhibition includes video, sound, slide projection, prints and a collaborative work made with artist Nour Mobarak.
Stuker’s meticulously 3D rendered video Wet Season, Dry Season reconstructs a display case of mimetic insects at the Hope Department of Etymology inside the Museum of Natural History in Oxford, UK. Across four speakers, ambient sounds recorded at the museum by the artist surround the gallery, featuring the murmured chatter of museum visitors. In the back gallery, two Hasselblad PCP-80 slide projectors each rotate through eighty slides of digitally rendered examples of biological mimicry. In the upstairs gallery, two images from the slide series are reproduced as mounted archival pigment prints, alongside a collaborative work with Nour Mobarak. In the collaborative work, Stuker’s rendered image of a paperbark tree, placed against the interior face of a plexiglass box, slowly disintegrates as it is consumed by Mobarak’s mycelium. To the left, an unaltered example of the same image is preserved within an identical plexiglass box.
The exhibition is accompanied by "Light-Likeness-Inachus", a new text by Lakshmi Luthra.
Listed on Contemporary Art Daily.
A solo exhibition at Ehrlich Steinberg Gallery
5540 Santa Monica Blvd,
Los Angeles
April 20 – June 1, 2024